Miklós Bethlen 300

Miklós Bethlen Memorial Year 2016

Miklós Bethlen (1642–1716): A Man for All Seasons

The Institute for Literary Studies RCH, HAS commemorates the life and literary heritage of the great statesman and puritan author Miklós Bethlen, occasioned by the 300th anniversary of his death. As a series of Refo500 scholarly events are to be organised all through 2016 dedicated to his memory with the financial support of the National Cultural Foundation (NKA) and the Reformation Commemorational Commitee.


The memorial year is meant to commemorate the significance of the great statesman and author within the Hungarian and international scholarly community. 

The principal aim of the year is to introduce Nicolaus Bethlen's ouvre to the public and initiate discussion on it in international context with Hungarian and foreign scholars in the framework of the Refo500. His views (European peregrination, confessional beliefs) and political activity had a significant influence on the developments in 18th century Transylvania as well as the Habsburg Empire, so that we wish to discuss his heritage with the participation of Hungarian, German, Dutch, Romanian and Slovakian scholars.


  • Special issue of the Publications on Literary History (PLH) (Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, ITK)
  • Selected Bibliography of Nicolaus Bethlen
  • Conference volume: the articles of the conference Tribute to Miklós Bethlen (1642–1716): Sources, Genres and Scribal Habits of Early Modern Prison Literature


  • January 27th, 2016. január 27 - Inauguration of the Bethlen Memorial Year (Programme)
  • April 15th 2016 - Conference and Exhibition Opening: Solitudo Transilvaniae - Nicolaus Bethlen and his Age (Cluj-Napoca, Lucian Blaga University Library)
  • May 18th-21st 2016 - International Confererence: Tribute to Miklós Bethlen (1642–1716): Sources, Genres and Scribal Habits of Early Modern Prison Literature (in English and Hungarian) (Miskolc, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
  • Sept 30th 2016 - Round Table, Launch of the Special Issue (PLH-ITK) (Budapest)
  • October 27th 2016 - Closing of the Bethlen Memorial Year and Book Launch (Budapest)


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